Nachdem zuletzt Zweifel an dem PS Vita Port von Moon Hunters aufgekommen sind, hat Kitfox Games eine traurige Nachricht für alle Backer der PS Vita Version: Das Spiel wird nicht für den Handheld erscheinen.
Als Grund nannte das kanadische Entwicklerstudio die begrenzten Ressourcen des Handhelds, die sie bei der Ankündigung des Stretch Goals unterschätzt haben. Zwar habe man das Spiel auf der PS Vita zum Laufen gebracht, allerdings sei der Qualitätsverlust bis dahin so groß und das Spiel immer noch unspielbar gewesen, dass man sich aufgrund der zu großen Qualitätsunterschiede zwischen den Versionen entschied, die Arbeiten ganz einzustellen, so Tanja Short im Kickstarter Update.
Über Twitter hatte Kitfox Games dann erörtert, dass eine externe Vergabe der Portierung für sie mit zu hohen Kosten und Risiken verbunden sei und man deshalb diese Option nicht in Betracht zieht – ohne jedoch mit entsprechenden Studios gesprochen zu haben.
@Daggerfaell Most outsourced ports are terrible — you have better odds when the game isn't very complex, but still risky and expensive.
— Kitfox Games (@KitfoxGames) August 18, 2016
Backer, die ausschließlich für die PS Vita Version das Projekt unterstützt haben, haben nun die Möglichkeit, ihren Key für eine andere Version umzustellen oder die 15 CAD zurück zu verlangen. Aufgrund des niedrigen Standes des kanadischen Dollars empfehlen die Entwickler jedoch, das Spiel zu erhalten und bei Bedarf dann weiter zu verkaufen. Eine Email mit weiteren Details soll in Kürze für die Backer kommen.
Hier noch das Statement im Wortlaut:
We have examined every possible variant of the next few months/years of our lives, and we have sadly decided that releasing the game on PSVita is not going to be a good effort after all. 🙁
Why? Well, one factor is the engine we’re using, but with all of the advantages Unity offers, I’m loathe to seem like I’m complaining about lack of low-level resource control. And one factor is the platform itself, which is more demanding technically than PS4 or desktop, but I’m loathe to seem like I’m complaining about such a beautiful, well-made piece of hardware.
So, the honest and blunt truth is that the only way we could realistically make it work on Vita is to make the game worse. What this means is that when we looked at how to get it running properly, we had to permanently remove the character portraits, real-time shadows, and loading times were absolutely intolerable. And that was just the beginning — we still had a long, long way to go. So we felt that, with those sacrifices already made, it was unacceptable to reduce the game’s quality further.
The upshot is that two years ago, we were arrogant and naive.
I personally apologize, as both the promise and the cancellation are my decision (me, Tanya Short), and ask for your forgiveness. I am sorry.
Please do not harass the Moon Hunters programmers, as they have done their best to work with a difficult situation I put them in.
I hope I have learned from this mistake. I really hope so.
What does this mean for Vita backers? If you would like any other key, we will immediately give you one of that platform. If the only key you ever wanted was a PSVita key, we may even be able to find 2 keys for you, to make sure you can play with a friend, which helps take out more of the sting.
Can I get a refund? We deeply appreciate your patience and we know we have broken your trust. If you wish, we will be able to refund the $15 CAD of the game key value itself — as we delivered on all of the other rewards, we will not refund anything remaining from your pledge. However, the CAD has fallen in worth compared to the USD, so those of you internationally may find that taking the platform key and reselling it (alas) could be more profitable.
Again, I’m sorry. I know it is disappointing, which is the last thing I wanted to do to our backers.
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Antworte hier für einen Kommentar zu Moon Hunters – PS Vita Version im Zweifel
Es macht mir Sorge was ist mit der kompatibilität Unity – Vita. Es kann ein große Problem für viele andere Indies.
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